Synergy ?
One of the bigger issues that I want to get across is that we're just not on the entry level of clouds or even just on this rise of enlightenment. There is a lot of things happening that really make cloud computing very exciting. This synergy is best looked at just what sort of interests over time ever happen, what are the news events, what are the discussion points? Now, we talked about Big Data and virtualization. If I plot those, in time you'll see how they're interacting.
The first is, we have a virtualization effort. Just here, rising up and creating all sorts of potential possibilities.
Then what we see is cloud computing overtaking that, using it, to build an infrastructure, we've talked about the different ways that can be delivered.
And that has been huge impact.
Now what we're seeing is a rise in Big Data, and Big Data is exploiting the cloud computing to provide information for everyone. Anyone can do analytics, essentially, on massive amounts of data. That is provoking a huge amount of change.
So Big Data, where will it take us? Well, it's another revolution, it's built on clouds. The data collection's too large to transmit economic clear of the Internet. You're talking about petabytes of collections. The computation is data intensive, lots of disks, networks, and CPUs.
The first is, we have a virtualization effort. Just here, rising up and creating all sorts of potential possibilities.
Then what we see is cloud computing overtaking that, using it, to build an infrastructure, we've talked about the different ways that can be delivered.
And that has been huge impact.
Now what we're seeing is a rise in Big Data, and Big Data is exploiting the cloud computing to provide information for everyone. Anyone can do analytics, essentially, on massive amounts of data. That is provoking a huge amount of change.
So Big Data, where will it take us? Well, it's another revolution, it's built on clouds. The data collection's too large to transmit economic clear of the Internet. You're talking about petabytes of collections. The computation is data intensive, lots of disks, networks, and CPUs.
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